Müəllif: Publisist.az /Tarix: 2024-07-16 /Oxunma Sayı: 163

Leyla Xanəhməd ilə Product Management mövzusunda seminar

Discover the Secrets of Product Management Success and Learn How Innovation and Efficiency Combine! 

 FemTalk will be held with Leyla Khanahmad on "Product Management"!

 Leyla Khanahmed is a dynamic leader in the Fintech sector, currently working as Vice President, Senior Product Manager at JP Morgan Chase. She is also the co-founder of the startup Bootcampr.io.

 Date: July 20, 18:00
 Location: Online

 Registration link: https://lnkd.in/eZydtnvJ
 Group link: https://lnkd.in/evd9qAhe
 Channel link: https://lnkd.in/ehYRfRUc

FemTalk is FREE! 

 Language of the event: English


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